Most Common Service Questions for the Icom IC-736 & IC-738

The information on this page is subject to the terms and conditions set forth on the ICOM America Service FAQ Index page.

Unless otherwise noted, the following service questions apply to both models.

Symptom: Frequency jump in LSB after changing modes.
Probable Cause: LSB BFO is not being switched properly by logic; unit may need factory update.
Cure: With radio turned off, measure resistance of pin 17 to ground on IC24 on main unit. Should be 47k. If it measures above one meg-ohm, install a 47k, 1/8 resistor over the top of IC24 between pins 10 and 17.

Symptom: Radio is off frequency.
Probable Causes: Reference oscillator needs alignment.
Cure: Field: First reset CPU to clear all BFO presets, then tune in WWV and align L29 on PLL unit for zero beat in USB mode. Shop: Reset CPU. Align L29 for 60.0 MHz at P2. Check alignment of BFO.
Remarks: Before performing this alignment, make sure that update to prevent LSB frequency jump has already been installed in radio (see above cure).

Symptom: In IC-736, TX SSB audio sounds harsh. Average talk power seems low.
Probable Cause: Driver and PA idle current is set too low.
Cure: Realign idle current as per procedure on page 5-8 of the service manual with a change in specs: Adjust R8 for a 300mA increase and R44 for a 500mA increase. Total idle current draw should be about 1000mA(1A).

Symptom: In IC-736, unit will not turn on. Unit powers up if VCC cable is disconnected from PA.
Probable Cause: Shorted driver and PA FETs.
Cure: Replace driver and PA FETs. Inspect PA unit for overheated components and replace as necessary. Re-align idle current after repairs as per new spec. (see above)

Symptom: Automatic antenna tuner cannot find tune on some bands, typically 40 and/or 80 meters
Probable Cause: Burned capacitors on tuner unit.
Cure: Replace capacitors C2 & C6 (82pf & 100pf) on tuner unit with 500 volt (or higher) versions. Look for other burned capacitors in same area and replace as needed.

Symptom: Automatic antenna tuner hunts but cannot find tune on any band.
Probable Cause: Bad detector diodes on tuner CTRL unit.
Cure: Check these diodes on tuner CTRL unit: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D11, and D12. Replace as needed.
Remarks: While tuner is disassembled, we recommend replacement of C2 & C6 on the tuner unit with 500-volt equivalents to prevent future failure. (see above)

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